Return to Board of Police Commissioners, Evening Community Meeting
Live reporting by Colleen Cirocco
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7 former investigators will be hired part time to cover the citizen complaint backlog

Colleen Cirocco @colleencirocco
Hey Detroit! ☔️ Tonight at 6:30pm I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC) Community Meeting for #DETdocumenters

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04:27 PM Jan 12, 2023 CST

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Here is tonight’s agenda:…

The last BOPC Community Meeting was held on November 10, before the winter recess. You can catch up on those notes (by yours truly):…

Or the live tweet tread by @mostlikelyalex:…
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👀 Did you know you can watch the meeting via live stream? Follow the link and scroll towards the bottom of the page to view City TV Channel 21. This was advertised I the agenda but I haven’t tried it myself! Let me know if you check it out : )
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Tonight’s meeting is being held at the 12th Precinct - Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers Road, Detroit, Michigan 48235.

You can also join via Zoom with this link:
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On the agenda tonight will be information on DPD’s 2022 year end stats. According to the article below, there has been an 11% total reduction in violent crime, although there were 309 total murders, up by 1 from 2022, and carjackings were up 15%.…
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If you find anything inaccurate in my reporting, please email with the subject “Correction Request”

See you at 6:30! 👋🏻
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I'm in! So far five commissioners are present including Commissioners Ferguson, Holt, Bernard, Moore, and Holley. ASL interpretation will be available for this meeting.
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Ferguson calls meeting to order at 6:31pm.
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Commissioners Banks and Burton are also present, the meeting has a quorum. Agenda approved, minutes for 1/5/23 meeting are approved with minor typographical corrections. Some discussion on the typos/formatting changes.
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The meeting is being held in District 2, Commissioner Linda Bernard's district. She describes how District 2 is the number 1 voting district in Detroit. In terms of crime, a number of recent shootings have taken place in this district.
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She describes that the crime has to do with gun violence stemming from personal conflicts, that the problem could be mitigated by getting guns off the streets. She gives out her personal cell and offers to be available for help. "We all believe in servant leadership."
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Commissioner Ferguson begins his opening remarks, welcoming everyone to the meeting. Commissioners Pressley and Carter are now entering.
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Resolution to honor NPO (Neighborhood Police Officer) Melanie A. Malone's retirement, after she spent her 22 year career serving the 11th precinct. This resolution will be entered into the archive.
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Officers report: 4 injured, 19 members out due to COVID. Crime data as of 1/11/23: up in homicides; up in robberies (100%), 303 calls for mental health related crises.
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Mention of the 11% reduction in violent crime in 2022, Chief White gave a press conference this week.…
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Commissioner Holley requests the officer to repeat the details of the 12/31/22 incident at the Hawthorne Suites Hotel. Multiple juveniles involved, resulted in a death by gun violence. A 15 year old is being charged as an adult. His social media tracked his location.
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Commissioner Moore requests information on epidemic on missing young women, she will look into.
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Commissioner Holt is requesting information on the make and models of stolen vehicles, as this is not available on their reports.
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Holt to the Chief's representative: A community is requesting if someone can come to their public safety meeting to give a presentation on Shot Spotter. Curiosity on how DPD doesn't know where the sensors are. A presentation can be arranged.
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Bernard, re: the rising crime statistics, We have to be increasingly careful because all of the indicators are that it'll get worse before it gets better due to social issues like poverty, inflation, etc.
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Bernard, cont: Get the guns off the streets. Police can take guns, no questions asked, if you want to surrender them.
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Commissioner Ferguson reinforces the message that we are all in it together. We all have different ideas for how to solve the crime problem, but it's important to show offenders that there are real consequences to their actions.
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Public Comment: Victoria Shah, District 7. Proposal reaching out to get contact information for community leaders, determining best way to get feedback from their groups, implementing multi-channel approach to get community involvement. Is offering assistance to push this effort.
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2. Advocating for more police officers and getting them better pay. "Quit being mad with your neighbor and speak to them." Shout out to Walter Reuther and the UAW.
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3. Laurie Parks, Detroiter. Wondering about Duane Jones, the officer who had the incident in the hospital with the young lady. Has anyone been to his hearing?

Meetings should all be held in the community, not at police headquarters. Is not a neutral environment.
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3. cont - Commissioners were never supposed to be former police officers.

It is good that the officers got a raise because often they would go through DPD training and then leave to another department in the suburbs that pays more.
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4. His first meeting. He empathizes with officers. Grew up on 6 mile and John R, had an unfortunate relationship with police, but has a different understanding now. Thanks DPD for everything. Representing City Council District 2, Angela Calloway.
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5. Concerned about speeding and running red lights on Wyoming and Chippewa and Wyoming and 7 Mile. No one respects the lights anymore "It's like people got brain dead after COVID and forgot how to drive." Speeding up to 60, 70 miles per hour.
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5. cont - Can't get ahold of 12 district police officers. Ferguson response: There are 2 neighborhood police officers in the back right now, you can let them know right now.
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6. I'm happy to see that we still have a police commission - thinking about Ron Scott and how important the commission is. Appreciated the comment about having more citizens on the commission.

The police can't do everything. They can't solve the social problems that we face.
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6. Police as support, not as the solution. Building community, sitting on our porches and knowing each other.
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7. Edith Lee Payne - has brought this concern up since 2008. DPD removing money from a home, falsifying documents, going through city council, commissioners, money still has not been returned. Fix the policy that deals with forfeitures. This city has paid out billions in lawsuits
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8. Speaking out against facial recognition. Reactive instead of proactive - Shot Spotter, by the time it works the shots have already been fired. We need money to invest in the officers, proper training, incentives to live in the city.
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9. 5 years in his district moving back to Detroit, mentoring youth. Doing more in my community than you. No shootings, robberies on my block. Where is the youth?
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Ferguson responds: acknowledges that they had a phone call and both left with some homework - asked him to meet his NPOs (neighborhood police officers).

Commissioner asks him to tell them what they need to do.

Get to know me. Change the relationship between cops and community
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Burton responds, we want to support you. Every board member is a leader. You are in a great position by being here today and are building relationships that can uplift the community you serve. (gives him his card)
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Youth Advisory Council started last September, meets quarterly. We'll make sure you get your youth applications.
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Commissioner Moore points out that this gentleman is getting a great back and forth with the board and we should extend that to all commenters, for example the first commenter gave a great proposal and we didn't engage with her at all.
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10. Phone caller - You guys need to get it together. "Jedi mind tricks don't work." Critical of a suicide ruling, accusing DPD of lying.
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11. Shout out to Don Johnson. BOPC should be strongly advocating for police officers in the neighborhoods, not just concentrated downtown. Too much fear of gun violence, car jacking. Board needs to have a policy as to city vehicles under its control, no city vehicles on vacation.
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12. Mr. Bowman (on the phone) - saddened Shot Spotter passed, BOPC did not have an influence. The board does not have an attorney, needs one. The board is not functional.
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There is another caller agreeing with caller 12. and the board is trying to get him muted.

End of public comment.
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Human Resources Report, staffing, recruiting initiatives.
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New salary affect on reinstatement numbers.

To prevent attrition after graduation, now if an individual goes to our academy and leaves, they have to sign a contract and pay back on a sliding scale. (ie, if they leave within 1 year they must pay 100% back).
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Commissioner Holley, how did the recuperation piece come about? Asking officers to sign a contract to ensure their retention.

It took a lot of work, went through union, legal. We have not lost an officer since it has been implemented (since January 2023.)
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Commissioner Burton, what have you been doing to attract young officers? What is some of the feedback you hear from them?

You have to be in the community, at sports events, targeting the military, going to high schools, colleges. Targeting HBCUs. Paid internships with the mayor
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Commissioner Banks, how is the new contract going?

Still have separations, but not resignations. We have individuals have left and came back because of the pay. The force is taking advantage of tuition reimbursement offered as well.
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New contract was signed off in November, all of the pay is in the system and has been updated.
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Bernard, what percentage of officers are engaged in secondary employment? (such as, sworn DPD officers on patrol at Meijer, etc, are being paid by Meijer)

Not sure but can find out.

Bernard: They seem to be mostly male, do you have any thoughts on that?

No comment.
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Commander's report from the 12th Precinct: 75k residents. 16 schools. Project Greenlight is well represented, 105 locations participating.

2022 crime stats: 5% reduction in violent crime, increase in property crime. 34 homicides. 30% decrease in non-fatal shootings.
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Uptick in property crime, vehicle thefts. We are doing targeted surveillance, MDOC home checks. A tiktok video showed how to easily steal a car, lead to an increase. We are checking used car parts to see if they were stolen.
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Question from Commissioner Pressley, Has technology helped your precinct?

Fan of technology. But it's a tool, it's not an end all be all, it helps us do our job better. Crime is lower in Greenlight areas. Shot Spotter will help deter criminals if they know they're being watched.
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How are you preventing speeding, traffic violations?

Electronic speed signs coming to 7 Mile and Wyoming. His team does traffic blitzes, gave out 120 tickets on a Saturday.
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What unique opportunities do you have with having such a young force?

We have great leaders to help them. They are moldable, trainable.
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The commissioners express gratitude to the 12th precinct commander on having such control and knowledge of the department. Several commissioners express this gratitude.
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Secretary reads through communications and announcements, including the next meeting dates.

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 19, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m.
Next Community Meeting: Thursday, February 9, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. Detroit Public Safety Headquarters Ninth Precinct
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New Business: The Backlog is 327 cases past 90 days. We're going to part time hire 8 former investigators to work 20 hours a week in a six month period.
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Confusion from Commissioner Holley about this process, about hiring board secretary and chief investigator, who will supervise 7 other investigators. This was discussed in a December meeting.

Commissioner Bernard challenges this as well, Ferguson cites the cost savings.
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Bernard makes the point that the existing investigators might want to make extra money working through the backlog themselves, instead of hiring outside help. Ferguson reminds her that the current investigators are also handling new cases, and are burned out.
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Getting the backlog down to 0 is the priority, and after this six month period tackling the backlog with hired help, our in-house investigators will be able to work more efficiently.
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Motion to rehire 7 temporary, 6-month term investigators to work 20 hours per week to eliminate the case backlog. By using the funds in this manner, BOPC has control of these funds as opposed to the city.

Commissioner Pressley, is there a liability issue, is it aligned with HR?
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Ferguson, we have looked into this, it is compliant (something called TAST).

Commissioner Banks, describes the work put into the research behind this motion.

Commissioner Moore, concerned that the supervisor will be working remotely in California.
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All of these investigators left within the last 2 years, some left active cases.

It is not mandatory for them to come into the office to work, but there will be onsite work conducted.
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Some trepidation on this process from Commissioner Pressley, Commissioner Ferguson reiterates that he has been asking for weeks for an alternate plan or ideas. Seems exasperated at this point.

The motion is on the table, calls for a vote.
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Motion to hire 7 temporary investigators to eliminate case backlog.
6 yes, 2 no, motion passes
Carter; no
Pressley; no
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Motion: body cam footage (this was read really fast and I didn't get the details), see the Documenters meeting page for a recording and more notes.

Motion passes.…
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Commissioner Ferguson zipped through the wrap up items of the agenda, and the meeting adjourned at 8:54pm.

Thanks for following along!