Board of Police Commissioners, Evening Community Meeting

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners
Criminal Justice


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Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Minnah Arshad

Jerome Warfield questions legality of BOPC rescinding his offer for chief investigator. Board says HR will reply.

Live reporting by Colleen Cirocco

Warfield questions legality of BOPC rescinding their offer for chief investigator; new patrol sectors downtown.

Colleen Cirocco @colleencirocco
Hello! At 6:30pm I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners Evening Community Meeting for #DETdocumenters. @DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

04:47 PM Mar 9, 2023 CST

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Tonight's meeting will be held at the Historic Second Baptist Church on 441 Monroe St.

Here is a link to the agenda:…
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Topics on the agenda tonight: DPD Downtown Services, and HR/Police Recruitment.

In his State of the City address on Tuesday, Duggan referenced how an increase in DPD's budget allows them to competitively compensate their officers, leading to increased retention on the force.
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"In Detroit, there's no talk of defunding police; we want to put more money behind our officers, and this is a clear statement of that today," Duggan said.…
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Find information about joining tonight's meeting online or over the phone here:…
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And find more reporting on the Board of Police Commissioners here:…
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See you at 6:30! 👋
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6:30, Chair Bryan Ferguson kicks off the meeting and introduces the pastor for the invocation.
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Ferguson and the pastor of the Second Baptist Church reflect on the church's history.

"From 1836 to 1865, the church served as a “station” on the Underground Railroad receiving some 5,000 slaves before sending them on to Canada."…
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Roll call, there is quorum. Agenda for this evening is approved. Minutes from the previous meeting are approved.
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Introduction of DPD staff.

Ferguson welcomes everyone, thanks officers for hard work. Praises the Mayor's speech, reminisces going to the train station as a child and is impressed by its current remodeling.
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PSA from Ferguson: if an officer is behind you with their lights on, pull over. You won't outrun them.

Give officers a break, everyone has bad days. But if they get out of line, file out a complaint, that's our job to address.
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Chief of Police Report:
Drag racing enforcement should start end of this month, beginning of April.

2,627 mental calls this year, up 400 calls from this time last year.
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Special cases:
1 year old victim of assault, arrest warrant submitted, child abuse and homicide charge for abuser.…
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Homicide unit responded to 11 year old child who died at home.
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A couple recent events: Coffee with A Cop at Congregation coffee shop and A Walk of Women for International Women's Day.…
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Commissioner Burton gives greetings to his district (5) where tonight's meeting is being held.

Remarks that the spirit of freedom is faced by threats today - freedom of assembly, from unreasonable search and seizure. Begs colleages to protect the freedom of the people.
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Burton remarks upon the large backlog of complaints, they need to be addressed to protect the freedom of the people.
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Commissioner Banks - 1st Precinct is one of the top precincts in the City of Detroit. They have an amazing strategy to keep crime down. Can we use their methods to help precincts that are struggling (such as #9)?
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Correction from officer: Downtown is actually the 3rd precinct. The crime is much different - foot traffic, stadiums, casinos. This strategy will be different by nature than the 9th precinct. "Thank you for acknowledging that they are no longer the worst precinct in the world."
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Commissioner Bernard: in response to Ferguson's opening remarks, reminding the board that you don't need to do anything wrong to be pulled over. References "DWB: Driving While Black." Many police stops have nothing to do with anything that was done wrong.
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Bernard brings up Shot Stopper, a new initiative that was announced at the State of the City address on Tuesday - community funds to reduce violence.

Interested in the department's thoughts on this initiative.…
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Commissioner Burton notices an uptick in stolen cars and break ins.

Officer confirms that auto theft is up 115%, 214 stolen this year.

A lot of these cars are KIAs, there is a class action lawsuit against the company because the cars are so easy to steal.
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Burton is not satisfied with her response that they have a lot of initiatives, "What do I tell my neighbor, my constituents?"

Get a club. This is a nationwide problem. Worse now that COVID is "over."

Burton: This is not a COVID problem, this was before COVID.
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Ferguson: I have two wheel locks. Get an alarm system. Make it harder for them to get it. Clean out your garage and put your car in it. Deal with a small inconvenience so you don't have to face a big one.

We get all of the crime stats over email, we are checking.
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Ferguson: Don't go to gas stations at night, especially ladies. Go to the same station, know the name of the attendant.
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Correction: When referring to the officer in the past few tweets, she is actually a Deputy Chief standing in for Chief White.
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Motion from Burton: to give public commenters 3 minutes instead of two. Motion fails.
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🚨Public Comment: #1. 16 of Feb board voted to negotiate with him to become employed with the board as Chief Investigator. Passed background check. Accepted offer and board moved in a different direction. How can you legally rescind an offer that has been accepted?
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Burton advocating for this man to be able to speak for an additional 2 minutes because he wasn't given the opportunity to speak on Zoom last week. No objections.
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#1. continues - during the hiring process he wanted clarity on process of who to report to and what the objectives were. How do you rescind an offer after it has been accepted, after a person has been processed and fingerprinted without it coming back to the board to discuss?
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Right now there is some discussion whether or not there is a response to this commenter, Burton is advocating for his hiring. I can only see the countdown clock that times each commenter, the live feed of the board has stopped.
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Back to the video of the board - Burton continues to honor the first commenter - he is an honorable man that would help assist getting through the backlog of citizen complaints.

Commissioner Rev. Holley: there's a discrepancy between what we heard last week re: this applicant.
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Ferguson: next week all board members need to show up so we can get through this process. (There was an issue with not everyone being there in a previous meeting)
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#2. Describes being victimized in her driveway, has been calling the 12th precinct trying to get detective Moore to be removed from her case. Her vehicle was trashed, over $6k of valuables were taken from her trunk.
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Deputy Chief will follow up with this commenter tomorrow, needs to look into case to see what's going on.
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#3 Freelance film producer from NY, equipment seized while filming Love Letter for Detroit commercial for Snipes USA. Rogue UHaul driving recklessly. Needs expedited so they can go home to NY.
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Commissioners Bernard and Burton would like to follow up - Bernard asked her to send her written statement over.
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Youth Advisory Panel Representatives
#4 WSU student
#5 Sophomore at Renaissance High School
#6 WSU student - Life Leaders Inc, youth advocacy and empowerment. Wants to enact change to be confident and trust police presence.
#7 SW Detroit resident and community advocate.
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Ferguson asks this group if anyone is afraid of the police?
- Not afraid, but cautious.
What can we do to help?
- Be open to change or differences of opinion, be willing to enact change and listen to people.
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Ferguson to the group: Tell your community that not all police officers are bad. Come every Thursday, put it on YouTube. You guys are the future.

Annie Holt: Thank you for making yourselves available and coming in person.
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Burton to group: Nakia Wallace, WSU alum, member of Detroit Will Breathe, put in a chokehold following George Floyd protests. Describes the police brutality that took place during the protests. How do you feel when free speech is being thrown to the grown?…
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Group response. That was an unfortunate incident, but all police are not bad. This extends far beyond WSU. Be kind, promote kindness.
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Banks request to comment - Ferguson says they really need to move on, but okay.

Banks commends this group of young people. In reference to a comment about being taught to idolize police officers, "The bible says idolize no man, praise God."
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#8, City Year student, interested on being on the Youth Advisory Panel. In the past few meetings, it would be beneficial if the commissioners were given more information about officers themselves. Shows accountability and could reveal patterns.
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#9, Marguerite Maddox. A bit hard to make out what she is saying. Audio is cutting out as well.
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#10, Motor City Roo - bringing to your attention, millions of dollars of illegal bonds, in violation of state law, approved by city council. Bonds issued without notifying the public in secrecy. Sent emails to Holley, Burton, and they never mentioned to the board.
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#11 - To Bernard, unethical to offer services. Page 37 lines 17-20 of transcript from last week.

Demands the entire footage of the killing of Porter Burks.…
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#12. This board needs to do better. Everything should be above board and voted on in public.
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#13. "I am proud to be a citizen of Detroit because of you all." Chief Craig helped me when there was fraud on my medical insurance account, I was able to get my medicine.
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Bernard responding to commenter who accused her of taking money from a towing company.

Takes umbrage in continued slander and attacks that have nothing to do what anything we are trying to do.

You don't lose your identity as a professional when you are on a board.
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Human Resources Bureau Presentation/Police Recruitment. Staff moving pretty quickly through these slides.
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Separations are way down from 2022 (this year in light gray) - contract negotiations were in Nov 2022, so they are seeing a reduction in separations starting.
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Reinstatements are also on the rise - 13 reinstatements represented on this slide
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Here's a rundown of their current Recruiting Initiatives
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Banks following up on those who did not pass the physical agility test.

155 were scheduled, but only 65 showed up, and only 32 passed. We encourage those who barely missed it to come back the next week. For those who have further to go, we have recruiters who help them.
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Moore, what is the reporting process for sexual harassment against a board of police commissioner.

A citizen should reach out to the city of Detroit HR.
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Holt to HR presenter: Women's March yesterday was phenomenal - your presentation was fantastic.
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Burton, reasons officers are leaving to other departments and coming back?

Some missed the comradery, the contract being renewed helped level the income disparity.
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Downtown Services presentation.

Downtown is roughly 2 square miles. Business district, 4 sporting teams, 3 casinos, hub to Canada.

Violent crime stats
Homicides: down 100%, none this year
Criminal Sexual Conduct : down 11%
Aggr. assault: down 20%
Robberies: up 50%
Total: up 3%
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They have a task force on auto theft. Grant funding for wheel locks.

Non fatal shootings: 4 this year compared to 5 last year.
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2 victims shot near a venue, individual is in custody due to technology and people coming forward with information.

Will continue to address robberies in the downtown area with "Sector Deployment," developed by Chief White. Officers' sole focus is within their sector.
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Special Operations team looks for violent offenders.

Uptick in neighbor violence - they are doing mediations. They are seeing that it is a generational issue, if their parents didn't get along with neighbors it carries down to the children once they become homeowners.
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Restore Order: Work with other precincts when they need more officers - go in and help with their enforcement strategies.

NPOs (Neighborhood Police Officers): assist with homeless shelters, (mental health) crisis intervention
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Bernard: Congratulations on having virtually no crime stats.
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Pressley - what is the difference between 3rd precinct and downtown? What are you doing to prevent crime in Greektown that usually surfaces in the summer?

The precincts work in conjunction, downtown is more event heavy. We break Greektown into segments for accountability.
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Pressley - what advice do you have for young people to stay out of trouble?
Will be strictly enforcing curfews. Ladies, travel in pairs. Keep your cell phones charged, check in with your parents.
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Commander, if a shooting occurs how is it captured?

311 and 312. (not sure what this is)
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Banks - what kind of youth workshops do you host and what do they entail?

Mental health, safety, education and career, social media awareness, domestic violence. They bring in experts from each field.
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Banks - do you offer refuge to those experiencing abuse?

Yes, we have an advocacy program that can assist with housing, court costs.
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Holley, How many people in a year do we serve in Downtown Services, and how many in the precinct itself? Congratulations on your low stats, I live downtown so I see it myself.

Doesn't have population of downtown. Numbers on any given day can triple, depending on the events.
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Burton, any updates on the most recent downtown shooting? How will curfews affect families that live downtown? Will enforcement be equal or will race be involved?

Messaging will be out early on re: curfews.

The shooting appeared to be argument based, they are in custody.
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Correspondence from Chief is in the board's filings.
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Next Meeting, Thurs March 16, at 3pm, DPD headquarters
Community Meeting, Thurs April 13, 6:30pm 11th precinct. Details in the link.…
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Unfinished business: Moore asks if they have a "ghost employee," Ferguson says they are looking into it. I believe this refers to one of the public commenters who was in the hiring process which ended abruptly after he had accepted the offer.
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New business: Burton asks Ferguson if there are any new cases in the back log. There are not.
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Holt: when will the policy committee move the consortium with the WSU Law School forward?
This question goes back and forth for several minutes, it sounds like it was approved in early December and no action has been taken.
Bernard offers assistance, needs to send this to Burton.
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Committee reports. Budget committee met to discuss the hiring of the investigators for the backlog.
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Motion to adjourn: passes.

Ferguson thanks everyone for coming, urges the Youth Advisory to come back. Here's the 2022 brochure to learn more about this group:…
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Thanks for following along! For more reporting visit

If you believe anything in the coverage tonight is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.

Agency Information

Detroit Board of Police Commissioners

The Board of Police Commissioners has supervisory control and oversight of the Police Department, including plenary authority over citizen complaints and the power to appoint fact finders, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. The Board also appoints a civilian as Director of Police Personnel and approves all promotions made by the Chief. The 11 member board is comprised of 7 elected members from each city council district and 4 members appointed by the Mayor.


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