Return to Board of Zoning Appeals
Live reporting by Emily Anderson
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Board postpones all agenda items due to late meeting notice

Emily B Anderson @WritingAnderson
Hey! I'll be live-tweeting today's Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for #CLEDocumenters @CLEDocumenters @NeighborUpCLE @CLEcityplanning

08:41 AM Nov 22, 2021 CST

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning BZA is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from individuals who are requesting exceptions or variations for City Ordinances in regard to land use and building requirements or from individuals who are questioning the appropriateness of orders made by City officials.
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Here’s information on the zoning appeals process and how to get heard at a meeting like this one:
“To contact the Board of Zoning Appeals office and request access to the WebEx meeting please call 216.664.2580 or email at
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Members of the Zoning Appeals Board are:
Kelley Britt (Chairperson)
Tim Donovan
Myrlene Barnes
Alanna Faith
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Here’s today’s 2-page agenda:
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning BZA agenda TL;DR: Ford-Hessler Property Reorganization LLC is appealing from relief of several ordinances related to the proposed 12-unit apartment building at 11300 Hessler Rd.
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Here’s an article about resident’s concerns about the project…
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning And another one from when the project was approved:…
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning It's taking a few minutes for the meeting to get started
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning All the items on the agenda today are being postponed.
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning They're going on the December 13th agenda to give everyone involved the option to attend the meeting with proper notice.
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning The meeting began at 9:45 and ended at 9:50.
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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning 11 people watched the stream on Youtube.