Return to Committee on Budget and Government Operations
Live reporting by Amy Qin
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Chicago Department of Public Health sexually transmitted diseases (STD) funding, Ramps for senior residents

Amy Qin @amyqin12
Good morning ☀️ I'll be live-tweeting City Council's Committee on Budget and Government Operations starting 10 a.m. for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. It'll be live-streamed…

09:45 AM Feb 16, 2022 CST

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The agenda is available here:…
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Meeting starts at 10:03 Chair Dowell starts the roll call: 25 members of the committee are present. There are no speakers for public comment today.
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Two items on the agenda today. First: Latoya Vaughn from OMB will explain the substitute ordinance that adds funding to various grants to Dept. of Housing, Assets & Info Services, Public Health , Family & Support, Public Safety Administration - CPD, Emergency, Fire, Buildings
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Dept. of Public Health is requesting money to expand HIV surveillance. The goal is to develop an automated reporting structure. They're also requesting $3.421m requested to address STD related outbreaks and other preventative measures
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The Dept. of Housing is decreasing it's appropriations from HUD by $377k that will come from the small accessible repairs program that installs ramps for senior residents. Instead, the mayor's office will increase it's budget for ppl with disabilities by $377k, Vaughn said.
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Dept. of Family & Support Services is also requesting $425k from the DOJ for the Reducing Risk in the Juvenile Justice System for Girls that will provide behavioral support services for ~100 girls.
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Office of Emergency Mgmt. and Communications is requesting $25k from the state agency to train personnel that respond to hazardous material releases.
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Office of Public Safety Admin. is reallocating ~$41m of federal funds from Homeland Security awarded in 2021. Vaughn calls it "terrorism preparedness funding" and funds will just be reallocated between city departments.
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A series of other budget changes:
- Dept. of Assets & Info: $250k reduction from $6m
- CPD: $671k reduction from original $8m request
- Emergency Mgmt: $199k increase from $2.5m
- Dept. of Fire: $7m but $275k decrease. Requesting add'l $270k federal funds for training
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One more:
- Dept. of Buildings: requesting $229k hazard mitigation federal grant money for building code enforcement
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Ald. Moore: $11m in COVID funding from the federal government is being allocated to two different programs, correct?

Vaughn: correct. It's new COVID funding
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Second item: an ordiance introduced by Ald. Reilly that allows a $3k transfer from commodity line item to contractual services line items.
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Both ordinances are moved to pass for consideration in city council.
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A short meeting! The committee moves to adjourn at 10:29 a.m.