Criminal Justice

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Regular meeting of the Citizens’ Police Complaint Board

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Edited and summarized by the Indianapolis - IN Documenters Team

Live reporting by Franklin Bennett

The Citizens' Police Complaint Board shared their follow-up on previous cases and reviewed a new case.

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM.
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Tonight’s agenda
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The minutes were approved for the November 2024.
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The first case follow-up is CPCO#2023-077F.In the case of Mike and Melissa Bova, the board disagreed with the decision to exonerate the officer for misconduct.After meeting with Police Chief Bailey it was announced that Bailey chose to exonerate the officer of any wrongdoing.
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In the second case follow-up CPCO #2023-079F.The Case of Tabitha Kemp, the board announced that Chief Bailey disagreed with the board that the officer used excessive force against Kemp and chose to exonerate the officer of any wrongdoing.
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The next case on the docket is CPCO #2023-066F. It is a continuation of last month’s case review where Shannon Wagoner, a victim of sex trafficking who had been arrested for solicitation of sex alleged she was continually harassed after trying to get into a program to get off 1/2
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The streets.The board announced that the officer was suspended for a day without pay for substandard performance. 2/2
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The last case for review tonight is CPCO #2024-007F is the case of Jessica Norman.Norman alleged that she was prevented from filing a complaint by officer Brian Reed Jr. Reed alleged that Norman was not allowed to file a harassment complaint because the person in question 1/2
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had a restraining order against her.
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The board reviews body-worn camera footage in the case of Jessica Norman.
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The board concluded that Officer Reed exhibited substandard performance in the case of Jessica Norman and will present their findings to Chief Bailey.
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It was announced that Officer Boling was retiring from the board and he was recognized for his exemplary service.
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The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.
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@mirrorindy @indydocumenters If you or anyone you know has been a victim of police is the contact info for the Citizens Police Complaint Board misconduct.Here
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@mirrorindy @indydocumenters Have questions? Think we got something wrong please contact us @mirrorindy or @indydocumenters
Note-taking by Kelli Jack-Kelly

The Citizens' Police Complaint Board reviewed a new case and followed up on previous complaint cases.

Audio by Megan Haines

Regular meeting of the Citizens' Police Complaint Board


Agency Information

Citizens' Police Complaint Board

See meeting notes for details

(317) 327-3440

See Documenters reporting

The Citizens’ Police Complaint Board (CPCB) reviews complaints brought to the attention of the Citizens’ Police Complaint Office. The board has nine voting members, three non-voting members, and one IMPD member, the City-County Council appoints six members and one IMPD member, and the Fraternal Order of Police appoints one member.

Current Board Members:

  • Craig Cordi, member
  • Ranissa E Dycus, member
  • Kelly Doucet, member
  • David Bolling, ex-officio
  • Kenneth Riggins, member
  • Timothy Jeffers, member
  • Patrice Abduallah, member
  • Evan Shearin, member
  • Kortney Bond, member
  • Brett B Thomas, member
  • Scott Carpenter, ex-officio

Check the source website for additional information

Questions? Email us at

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