Return to Zoning-Development, Planning and Sustainability Committee
Live reporting by Prerna Agarwal
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Zoning changes approved for West Side neighborhood

Goooood morning Cleveland! today I'll be covering the Feb. 6, Cleveland City Council Zoning-Development, Planning and Sustainability Committee meeting for #Cledocumenters @signalcleveland @cledocumenters

08:38 AM Feb 6, 2024 CST

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The meeting was scheduled to start at 9:30 AM. It seems like the meeting had begun for a few minutes before it started officially live streaming on Youtube, but you can follow along here or on TV 20:
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This meeting will have two parts: One for the committee to review zoning-related legislation, and one for the committee to review non-zoning legislation.
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Unfortunately, due to streaming errors, I missed roll call, but committee members generally include Anthony Hairston, chair; Jasmin Santana, vice chair; Stephanie Howse-Jones; Kris Harsh; Joe Jones; Kerry McCormack; and Jenny Spencer.
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We're starting off with Ordinance 115-2023!
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The purpose of this proposed change, also called Map Change 2630 is to allow the development of TOD affordable housing on RTA parcels, to promote a variety of housing typologies, to remove the legacy industrial zoning designations....
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and to consolidate the hodgepodge of zoning districts to be more compatible with nearby residential neighborhoods and to become more walkable! Increased walkability is something the ordinance speakers kept repeating :)
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Mr. Davenport, of Neighborhood Planning, joins the committee members to answer any questions. Councilwoman Santana opens up asking about the relation to Clark-Fulton. No proposed zoning changes are affecting this area.
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This ordinance covers Councilman Slife's area--the planning speakers share that he is on board with this. He sent in a letter of support, adding it to the agenda, but could not be there in person as he is under the weather.
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He has asked for 2 amendments: in Section 7, he would like the south side of Lorain to be removed from the Urban form overlay. He also discussed changing the Pedestrial Relay Overlay in Section 6 for the same area.
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Mr. Davenport shares that this legislation was drafted in 2021 and they are working on making these changes. The chair proposes to strike the aforementioned sections which passes will full consensus. Ordinance No. 115-2023 stands approved as amended.
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Next on the docket is Ordinance 34-2024, "Establishing a zero (0) foot Mapped Building Setback on the western side of West 65th Street and establishing a three (3) foot Mapped Building Setback on the south side of FatherCaruso Drive north of Breakwater Avenue (Map Change 2672).
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Shannan Leonard, Chief City planner, leads us into this proposed map change. She was also the main speaker for the previous ordinance. Xavier Bay (on the leftmost side), Senior Assistant City Planner shares the presentation slides.
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Another proposal for increased walkability!
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Some of the mapped setbacks Bay discusses...
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They are proposing redevelopment for 4 single-family homes. No public comment. Councilwoman Spencer shares that the planning commission reviewed this proposed change as well. The main community feedback was concern about the height of these new structures, but this was resolved.
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And with that Ordinance No. 34-2024 passes. We now move on to the general portion of the meeting.
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There is a general roll-call! Everyone on this committee is present except for Councilman Joe Jones.
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Moving onto the next agenda (pictured below). The chair jokes that this is the 10th emergency ordinance to vacate a portion of the Detroit Superior Viaduct.
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Ordinance No. 1388-2023 passes swiftly! Onto Ordinance No. 28-2024, which authorizes the Director of Community Development to accept the donation of a parking lot in a central location in the Waterloo Arts District. The parking lot is free, and will stay as a free lot.
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The committee has no questions and this ordinance is approved. After a quick 34-minute meeting, this session is adjourned.
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Have questions? Think I got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at See y'all next timešŸ„°