Return to Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards [remote or in person]
Live reporting by Anna Mason
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Anna Mason

Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today’s Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters . Starting at 10am, this committee oversees the architecture and land in the city, and designates how they should be categorized and/or maintained!

10:04 AM Apr 18, 2023 CDT

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Starting up! Three public comments, Peter McNally, owner of 3731 N Sheffield property on the agenda, he disagrees with the upzoning proposed during this meeting. He says this would effectively rid the building of 7 affordable housing units

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Second Speaker, Steph Funk, advocating for the Advance of food sovereignty, she supports community gardens, parallel licensing for commercial growers

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Last speaker Pam rejects the project at N Sheffield in the 44th Ward that Peter McNally also does not support. She says this will not be cohesive with the neighborhood and will dwarf surrounding buildings.

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Jack Spicer from the Promontory Point preservancy. He supports land marking Prometory Point and is thanking all the work that has been done on this agenda item

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Urban Agricultural Ordinance can be read about here,indoor%2C%20outdoor%20and%20rooftop%20production. Ruby Ferguson, Food Equity Policy Lead for the city, talks about the goal of selling more whole uncut unprocessed produce, and about limits to scale of produce stands.

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The Urban Agriculture item is passed, and moves to city council tomorrow!

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3321 S Prairie Avenue, and a lot on 3300 S Giles are both owned by the same management company. They are both for profit properties. Moore is asking whether the council has ever done a fee-waiver for a for profit business, which committee lead confirms. This is passed.

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Department on Planning and Development here to advocate for the Greater Union Baptist Church at 1956 W. Warren to be designated as a historic landmark. Alders seem in general support. This item is passed.

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Landmark designation of Promontory Point is up for discussion! There has been a lot of support from many parties on this item. The point was completed in 1939 and is all artificial fill! This is passed! A congratulations given.

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Proposal concerning the 13th ward 6447-6457 W 65th St, looking to re-zone, alderman quinn RT4 to RS 2. This item is passed as substituted.

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4th ward 3654 S MLK drive to be rezoned to a shopping district. Attorney Liz Butler representing the property owner. This will be a coworking space for the Obsidian Collection @ObsidianCollec1 , an all Black media hub aiming to digitize Black history in Chicago

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448 E Ontario and 441 E Erie St to a different residential zoning to enable hotel use. This is directly in the Streeterville area. This rezoning is in the hope it will be more effectively utilized.

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1530 W Devon to a neighborhood mixed use district. This is right on the corner of Clark - the owner will maintain the affordable units and establish 3 new SRO units. The commercial space is being used by Reconnaissance social services and will continue to do so

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3611 W Belmont Ave to neighborhood mixed use district is passed - this is a fairly minor change, mostly concerning the basement unit

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A kerfluffle happening over a 6 unit dwelling structure that is unclear whether it should be filed as either a B22 or B32. Alders have concerns about the lack of parking for this structure. The owner prefers a B22. This is going to be held until this is clarified

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I’m putting this on hold for now at the 2 hour mark! I will finish this off tomorrow morning. Thanks all, and see you back ont his thread soon!