Pilsen affordable housing development, Barbara Jean Wright Courts, West Garfield Park grocery store
Follow along to this thread as I live tweet today’s Community Development Commission meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters 🧵🧵
Watch the livestream here starting at 1 PM: https://livestream.com/accounts/28669066/events/9117952
12:39 PM Dec 14, 2021 CST

The commission is part of Chicago’s principal planning agency — the Department of Planning and Development, which promotes neighborhood growth and sustainability.
View today’s agenda here: https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam/city/depts/dcd/agendas/December_14_2021_CDC_Tentative_Agenda.pdf

The Community Development Commission (CDC) is comprised of 15 members who help assist private redevelopment projects including designating new TIF districts, the sale of City-owned property and appointing members to Community Conservation Councils.

TIF stands for Tax Increment Financing. The CDC reviews and recommends action on the provision of TIF.
TIF allows local governments to invest in public infrastructure and other improvements up-front.
Read more on TIF here: https://urban-regeneration.worldbank.org/node/17

The meeting will start soon! An important thing to note:
“CDC” in this thread always refers to the Community Development Commission of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development. There is no reference to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The meeting has started and roll call is underway! This meeting is taking place virtually. Quorum has been reached.
Find more background on the committee at the CDC’s homepage: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/dcd/supp_info/community_developmentcommission.html

The minutes from the CDC’s Nov 9th meeting has been approved.
There were no public comments submitted for this meeting.
The next meeting agenda item involves new business items including: The Roosevelt/Racine TIF redevelopment project area in Ward 25

Due to technical issues the CDC is moving on to the next agenda item, and will return to this one later.
Agenda item B: Pilsen industrial corridor TIF redevelopment project area (Ward 25)
Michael Parella presents on this request.

The property is located in Pilsen at 1600 to 1800 S Peoria and is currently owned by PMG — who abandoned plans for this property.
The CDC wants to acquire the property to turn into a useable space. The property is currently environmentally contaminated, Parella notes.

Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez joins the meeting to speak on the current conditions facing Pilsen residents in his ward.
He says, “community groups overwhelmingly support this (affordable housing initiative).”
View details from the presentation slides: https://t.co/34K5ULY19x

Ald. Sigcho-Lopez talks about the need for more family sized residential units. With the PMG site acquisition, new units can be made to accommodate these families, and in turn, will hopefully curb the enrollment decline in nearby Chicago Public Schools.

“The district’s overall enrollment is down nearly 25,000 students over the past two years.”
Read more on the CPS enrollment decline here: https://news.wttw.com/2021/10/27/cps-student-enrollment-drops-10000-students

A vote for this agenda item is underway. The motion passes unanimously.
Moving on to the next item of business: Roosevelt/Cicero redevelopment project area (Ward 24)
Michael Parella presents on this agenda item.

This resolution requests aquiring the property located at 1318 and 1256 S Kilbourn from Industrial Fence Inc.
The property is currently neglected and does not meet the environmental standards set by the city.
Here is the land sale overview: https://t.co/VGcC22mh2s

If the land sale is approved, the site will be renovated to meet environmental standards and provide community needs including a parking lot.
The floor is open for questions on this request. Vice Chair Shirley Newsome asks if the remainder of land will be utilized.

The remainder of land in question will be utilized in the long run, Parella says. However, the exact use will be determined later in the process.
A vote for this request is underway and the motion passes unanimously.

The meeting returns to agenda item A: Roosevelt/Racine TIF redevelopment project area (Ward 25).
Dinah Wayne presents on this. The motion requests entering an agreement with BJ Wright Preservation LP to help redevelop the property located at 1354 S Morgan St.

View the background on BJ Wright and their plans to create affordable housing units at this location. This is further broken down by unit pricing. A point to note — there will be no single resident units. https://t.co/ZWrWpspRk7

Like the other properties, this site currently poses environmental risks which will be improved on to meet safety standards.
In addition to affordable housing units, this plan also includes creating community centers and business offices.

Ald. Sigcho-Lopez voices his support for this initiative.
“It’s good that we see affordable housing for both Black and Brown residents during this difficult time. Please support this request so our families don’t leave the city.”

Secretary Chris Wheat asks what safety measures will be in place.
Karyntha Walsh answers Wheat, saying this plan will implement safety gates and will appoint both resident and visitor parking passes. More security cameras and lighting will be included as well.

There’s discussion as to where current residents will live during construction.
According to Walsh, the construction process will take approximately one year. Current residents will be relocated to renovated units during this time.

A vote for this request is underway. If approved the City Council will appoint $4 mil in TIF funding for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Barbara Jean Wright apartments.
The vote passes unanimously.

Moving on to agenda item D: Madison/Austin Corridor TIF redevelopment project area (Ward 28).
Michael Parella presents on this.

On Oct. 15, a neighborhood Aldi grocery store closed. Now there is a vacant building leaving residents in greater need for groceries.
There are no mainstream groceries stores nearby.
Read about it here: https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/10/29/aldi-abruptly-closes-west-side-grocery-store-angering-residents-already-living-in-food-desert-its-a-dire-situation/

This motion would allow the City to re-establish a much needed grocery store at the vacant site.
The vacant site resides at 3811 to 3841 W Madison St.
Ald. Jason Ervin joins the meeting to voice his support for this acquisition.

A vote is underway. If approved, the CDC will acquire the property from Aldi Inc for a sales price of $700,000.
The motion passes unanimously.

Up next is the final item of new business — Midwest redevelopment project area (Ward 28) presented by Michael Parella.
An applicant, who owns two adjacent buildings, requests to purchase the vacant lot between them at 914 S California.
Here is the sale overview: https://t.co/txIPQLdmGm

The CDC recommends this sale, according to Parella. The vacant lot will be turned into a warehouse and office for the adjacent laundry sales and service business.
This request is being voted on. The motion passes unanimously.

A motion to adjourn has been made. Chair Gwendolyn Butler thanks everyone for their time and wishes members a happy holiday.
The meeting is officially adjourned.

That’s all for today’s meeting!
Keep an eye out for today’s notes by @itssarahstark ✍️
Respond to this thread with any comments or questions! Thanks for following along!