Ohio Documenters Community of Practice (Virtual)

Community of Practice

Thursday, Oct. 30, 2025
6:00 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. EDT

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Join us Thursday, October 30th from 6-7:30pm via Zoom for Ohio Documenters Community Of Practice (DCoP), our free quarterly gathering.

Ohio Documenters Community Of Practice (DCoP) is a learning exchange for Cleveland, Akron, and Cincinnati Documenters, but it’s open to anyone.

You don’t need to have attended a Documenters orientation or training. And, you don’t need to be an Ohio Documenter.

Whether you’ve taken no assignments or 20, come connect with other civic minded folks and learn more about this community and our work. Come share what you’re learning and learn what others have to share!

On deck for this DCoP:

  • A ‘Fresh Learning’ group conversation… tbd
  • Small group breakout room discussions… led by you!

Do you have an issue, a question, or a challenge you are sitting with? Drop us a line, or bring it to DCoP and we’ll host a breakout room discussion!

Some example of past Documenter hosted breakout discussions:

  • How do you know when enough is enough (on a Documenters assignment or writing, in general)?
  • How do we deal with cynicism as community builders?
  • How do I deal with my love-hate relationship with Documenting?
  • How do you cover contentious meetings?
  • How do you make groceries more affordable?
  • What sources do you use for news?

Based on Neighbor Up’s Virtual Community of Practice, DCoP is a way to build community through sharing knowledge and skills. Come with a question, an idea, something you’re sitting with, or just to hang out and listen.

Let’s get together!

Click the “Register” button to get the Zoom link.

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