

A Board Work Session on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 6:30pm conducted exclusively via video conference, pursuant to Substitute House Bill 404. The public can access this Board Work Session through a link that will be posted prior to the start of the meeting on the School District website home page at

A Board Business Meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 6:30pm conducted exclusively via video conference, pursuant to Substitute House Bill 404. The public can access this Board Business Meeting through a link that will be posted prior to the start of the meeting on the School District website home page at

Persons wishing to publicly share a comment with the Board at this Board Business Meeting can access a public comment form that will be posted on the School District website home page on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 from 5:45pm until the start of the Board Business Meeting at 6:30pm.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Sarah Stark

Cleveland school board approves special graduation standards; lack of substitute teachers leaves district "stretche

Live reporting by Hailey Hoyat

Cleveland school board approves special graduation standards; lack of substitute teachers leaves district "stretche

Hails @whatuphails
Hi All, tonight I’m live-tweeting the CLE Metro School District Board Meeting (@CLEMetroSchools) @ 6:30PM for @cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle.

Bookmark this thread to follow along.

05:21 PM Apr 20, 2021 CDT

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Meeting link (will need WebEx to access).…

Also, here’s a link to today’s meeting agenda. The link under the “Meetings” box will take you to a schedule of tonight’s meeting, with relevant documents.…
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Meeting is called to order 6:37 PM.
Roll is called.
Quorum required for a meeting is satisfied.
Minutes of previous 04.06.21 meeting is approved.
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CEO Report

Gordon originally had a presentation but instead wants to use tonight to address Derek Chauvin trial whose verdict came in as guilty on all charges this evening. This is not "business as usual".

Gordon notes this is a “profound moment in our country”.
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We must “critically examine our systems and structures” in our country and communities, for we can be “part of the problem or part of the solution”.
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We, including CSMD, must “commit ourselves to creating new systems” that are fair and good.

Resources available on CSMD site for teaching racism, prejudice, discrimination, non-violence.

“Dealing with emotions is important on all spectrums”.
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CSMD working on student vaccine rollout (16 - 18 y.o).
Aiming for first week of May for first shot, and 2nd shot 3rd week of May (end of school year).
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Launching pilot program w Dept of Health and Human Services to bring Covid testing for short pilot last three weeks at schools so CSMD in front of line for wide scale testing beginning of Fall.

Good way to get “lessons learned behind us”.
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Change Maker Project aims to pursue more fair and good education. CSA students to propose ideas to Gordon.

Gordon notes he was “pushed on other things” such as support+safety, mental health in school.

“Challenge me and us to think [about] real equity for us and their peers.”
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Report for CSMD summer program will be sent out.
Will launch in 2 weeks.
Infrastructure in place to build and test electronic portal for sign up, and program rollout.
Program will be under the "CSMD Summer Learning Experience" brand.
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Valdez: Are we having trouble finding teachers? CSMD doing asynchronous learning.
Gordon: “Stretched as absolutely thin as possible to deliver hybrid and remote." National problem w people not picking up substitute work. Will get more data on specific shortages.
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Elaqad: Anything we can do to prepare families for absent teachers?
Gordon: Learning plan has to be in place for all absent teachers. Hopefully that can help smooth out learning when teachers are absent.
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Motion To Approve Resolution Adopting The Cleveland Municipal School District Calendar For School Year 2021-2022

2021-2022 CSMD comprehensive calendar:…

Public hearing required by State Law will be in May.
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Public Comment
Has district decided if full-time in person will be an option next year?
Gordon: Yes, the calendar proposed this year presumes 5 days of in-person instruction. Fully expect full calendar next year. Summer programming will be as much in-person to prepare for Fall.
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Resolutions from Pandemic Response

Motion To Use COVID-19 Exemption For Teachers' And School Administrators' Evaluations For The 2020-2021 School Year.
Not able to implement full evaluation system due to COVID. State allows for one year pause on evaluations.
Motion passes.
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Motion To Require Only The State Required Curriculum For The Purpose Of Determining A Student’s Eligibility For High School Graduation For The 2020-2021 School Year
OH General Assembly allowed.

Students required to meet State requirements for graduation vs CSMD's requirements.
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CSMD's requirements are higher than State’s, so allowed to change this year. Gordon not required to ask for vote, but bringing to Board for transparency.
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Elaqad: How many students benefiting?
Link: What will graduation rate be?
Gordon: No data yet, but we are running those simulations.

Motion passes.
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Board of Ed. Resolutions

Motion [For] Cleveland Municipal School District To Enter Into A Primary Service Agreement With The Educational Service Center Of Northeast Ohio (ESCNEO) As Provided By Ohio Revised Code 3313.843
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Bi-annual resolution for additional funds from ESCNEO.

Gordon: funds used for fees, grad resources, school campaigns.

Motion passes.
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Finance Resolutions
Motion [For] Acceptance Of Grants From The Ohio Department Of Education, [and] Acceptance Of Gifts And Grants From The Friends Of The Cleveland School Of The Arts, The Cleveland Foundation, Paragon Tec, And Project Lead The Way,
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Paragon Tec gift to be used for space habitat STEM project in collaboration w NASA. Students will use engineering and design methods. Funds can be used for materials for students to use at home due to remote learning.

Motion passes.
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Operations Resolutions

Motion to Approve Resolution To Retain Professional Design Services And Award Contracts For Necessary Repairs And/Or To Implement Portfolio Design Initiatives To

Outline of projects under Operations Division…

Motion passes.
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Portfolio Resolutions
Motion To Approve Resolution Expressing The Intent To Amend And Restate The Sponsorship Agreement Of Citizens Leadership Academy To Reflect Its Merger With Citizens Academy

Motion passes.
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Motion To Approve Resolution Approving An Extension To The Sponsorship Agreement With The Ohio Department Of Education

Motion passes.
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Academics Resolutions

Motion To Approve Resolution To Adopt A Student Code Of Conduct For The 2021-2022 School Year

Student code of conduct:…

Motion To Approve Resolution [For] The Purchase Of Public Performance Site Licenses For All District Schools
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Gordon: Cleveland Teacher’s Union also approved conduct document.

Link: movie contract work for remote?

Gordon: Yes bc considered public performance. Can be used for lessons for example.
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Link: Significant changes to code of conduct?

Gordon: Yes, additional improvements for out of school time for students to reduce suspensions. Improved language on preventative restorative practices and suspension. Better student discipline strategies than only suspensions.
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Valdez: Can we disseminate code of conduct info for parents so more aware of student rights?

Gordon: Yes, we distribute hardcopy of document that is signed by parents; can also include insert of changes for more visibility. Will work with communications team.

Motion passes.
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Talent Resolutions

Motion To Approve A Resolution Authorizing The Employment Of Teaching, Non-Teaching And School-Based Administrative Staff

Document of new hires:…
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Motion To Approve A Resolution Authorizing The Reclassification Of Employees

Motion To Approve A Resolution Accepting The Retirements, Resignations And Other Separations Of Employees

Document of employee separations:…
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Motion To Approve A Resolution Authorizing The Issuance Of Limited Contracts For Differential Positions And The Payment Of Additional Earned Compensation To Employees

Document of additional compensations:…

Motion passes.
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Old Business

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New business

Link: Stop the Hate submissions from Maltz Museum received. Lots of submissions from CSMD schools. Very proud of our students.
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Executive Session begins.
Board returns with resolutions.
Motions for:
1-Day suspension of non-teaching employee
1-Day suspension of school-based administrative employee
5-Day suspension for non-teaching employee
10-Day suspension of non-teaching employee

All motions pass.
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Motion to adjourn 7:59 PM.

Next CSMD Board meeting is a work session, Tuesday May 11th, 6:30 PM.

For more meeting coverage, check out

Agency Information

Cleveland Metropolitan School District

The Board of Education functions as the governing body of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. Board responsibilities include: hiring the School District Chief Executive Officer (with the concurrence of the Mayor); setting School District policy; approving the School District budget; establishing goals and accountability standards; and promoting parent, family, and community involvement in the schools.

Cleveland’s current school governance structure was created by Ohio House Bill 269 in 1997, and took effect September 9, 1998. The Board of Education is made up of nine voting members appointed by the Mayor of Cleveland from a slate of nominees selected by a local nominating panel, established under State law. At least four of the nine members must have significant expertise in either education, finance, or business management. Board members must be residents of the School District, and at least one of the nine members must reside in that part of the School District that is outside the City of Cleveland (Bratenahl, Linndale, Newburgh Heights, and parts of Brook Park and Garfield Heights).

Find the meeting live stream here:


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